Andrew Gilligan on Greenslade’s blog

Interesting debate going on at Roy Greenslade’s blog, where an article by Greenslade on Andrew Gilligan’s media feud with Ken Livingstone has prompted Gilligan himself to turn up in the comments section and defend himself.

I have to say, whatever the facts of the dispute (which are arcane), it doesn’t enhance Gilligan’s credibility to arrive in the comments section and start banging away alongside all the other proles commenters. Maybe it’s done from an admirably democratic, all in it together kind of motive. Reading it, however, it feels slightly obsessive and green-inkish.

Death to those who preach violence, part 2

I really hope the staff at the Daily Mail appreciated the irony of their front page today. For those who haven’t seen it, the screaming headline is “Kill her! Kill her!” A very Mail sentiment, but instead of heading an article about a single mother, a female immigrant or a Labour cabinet member, this was the *bad* sort of mindless bigotry.

You see, this is a reference to the demonstrations yesterday against the leniency of the sentence passed on that British teacher who called the teddy bear Mohammed. Apparently the protesters were a representative sample of the Muslim world, much as a football crowd singing “You’re going to get your fucking heads kicked in” is a complete representation of every aspect of British life and culture.

And it turns out that these Muslims are all evil and can’t be trusted. Which is a shame, as you’d have thought the demonstrators at least would be a pretty good demographic for the Daily Hate.

Arresting stuff

I’m just listening to 5 Live’s coverage of the Horsham v. Swansea City FA Cup game, and they’ve played a clip of a very softball interview with Harry Redknapp. He could have been England manager, y’see, and this ‘disgusting’ treatment (his words) has ruined his chances. He’s a ‘fantastic manager’ (5 live’s words) and ‘you have to wonder whether there’s been a set-up’ (ditto). Apparently, people should ‘shut up and judge him on his performance’ (ditto again).

Compare this with the treatment given out in all media to the Labour party over its latest donations row. Guilty until proven innocent, the lot of them. Why do we even pay politicians? The Bloggertarians (hi, Paul) are out in force.

There is only one conclusion. Harry Redknapp must immediately be appointed Prime Minister. Only then will confidence in our nation’s institutions be restored.

Murdoch to public: Obey

According to evidence before a House of Lords committee, reported by the BBC, Rupert Murdoch has admitted telling his red-tops what to write (and making his views clear to the board of the Times, as well). So if you want distortions and half-truths designed to warp your views to fit the personal political agenda of a nationality-hopping billionaire, you should buy the Sun, the paper that sticks up for Australian American British values.