Brighton tips

A collection Brighton Tips on the Guardian site I’ve Been There lead to a marvellous old map used for directions to Due South.

The map (here in PDF format) must date from the 70s at the latest, because it still shows the old Kemp Town station and Goods Yard (near Queen’s Park, now the gruesome Gala Bingo on Eastern Road). It’s a fascinating old artefact, hand drawn by the look of it, and a very cool choice for giving directions to a contemporary restaurant.

Supreme Court: No go Gitmo

The Supreme Court have ruled that President Bush overstepped his authority in creating military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees. The court found the “military commissions” illegal under both military justice law and the Geneva Convention. MetaFilter discusses, and their full ruling is here (pdf).

Andy Murray and the English

Apparently Andy Murray, Great British Tennis Hope® has been receiving hate mail after claiming on his blog that he supports ‘anyone but England’ in the footie.

Good for him! Not that I particularly care which team he supports, or whether or not he’s a chippy Scotsman, but anything that will reduce the number of English matrons squealing “Come on Andy” between points at Wimbledon is good in my book.

I wonder if he’s thought about posting pictures of himself strangling puppies?