Railway lines and red lines as Jon Worth assesses the chance of new services through the Channel Tunnel to compete with Eurostar. Summary: don’t hold your breath.
Bruno De Wever, the historian, is retiring and has a long interview in De Morgen. He reflects on family and politics, but it’s interesting that he sees both N-VA and his brother as being on the horns of dilemma as to whether to ally with the mainstream parties or with the far right at regional level after next year’s elections. He’s more hopeful than a lot of people are about the future of Belgium, while also saying that he wouldn’t shed a tear if it disappeared. [NL]
The broadening of the idea of “Classics” to a wider view of ancient cultures and where we come from is a very good thing. Emily Wilson writes in Prospect about how AI and digital imaging are giving the Sumerians their chance to shine.

The Democracy Disruptor NextDoor. Long read about how the localised digital platform that promises more authenticity can help political bad actors.
Quelle doctrine pour les gauches européennes? Four people on the political (centre-)left discuss the future strategies available to progressive parties. [FR]