Page 123

Commissioned by Paul to:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

So, the nearest book is Republicanism: a shared European heritage by van Gelderen and Skinner and sentences six to eight (describing the argument of Frans Goethal’s 1566 treatise de foelice et infoelice republica) are:

That state is happy which is built on virtue: “Therefore not the presence of proud buildings, nor high walls make a city famous, but strong excellent men and cultivators of virtue”. Virtue of the people will be achieved through religious training and civic education. The state should support the studia humanitatis through the founding of literary academies.

(I’m sitting at my desk next to my politics books, in case you’re wondering.)

And I’ll tag J-dom, Hadjiboy, Ian, Dave, and The Gorse Fox.

Gripping stuff

This is the lead story in the Wadhurst parish council newsletter.

Queen’s Cottages: The Planning Inspector allowed the appeal against the Planning Application refused by the District & Parish Councils and granted outline planning permission for the proposed development subject to a number of conditions. A link to the full document is in the News section of the Parish Council web site

Different views

Another illustration of the American media attitude. Telegraph headline on the Polish elections: “Texts fire up young Polish voters”. Guardian story: “Polish twins fear the youth verdict.

Washington post headline on their story? “Poland Vote Touches on U.S. Defense Plan”. Because hey, who cares about anything else?

However, while that makes the British press look good, its overall purpose as a propaganda tool is illustrated by the Telegraph’s website, which places the link: “Q&A on the EU Treaty” directly above the link “Write to your MP to demand a referendum”. That’s going to be a balanced assessment, then.

Funny how the press didn’t recommend a referendum on, say, the minimum wage, isn’t it? And the lesson is: if you’re a journalist, referendums are only to be proposed where (a) you disagree with the Government and (b) you think you can scare people into agreeing with you.