The Green Party, practising what it preaches (or saving money) is releasing an online-only manifesto.
Author: Anthony
Let us, kind Lesbia, give away…
A fantastic multi-lingual edition of Catullus.
A great list of UK election resources at DO-wire.
Brewing in Horsham
I had a good pint while I was out today – Hepworth’s Pullman Ale, brewed in Horsham. I looked on the internet for more information on the brewery and found this interesting article on the fate on brewing in Horsham. If reading it makes you want to support a local Sussex brewer, I can recommend Harveys of Lewes.
Find an alternative to Starbucks with…
The arrogance of small media
So, that Terri Schiavo memo that was obviously a fake, er, wasn’t a fake. But it was, umm, not completely accurately presented, or something.
Is there a moral equivalence between bloggers who get it wrong, and ‘big media’ who get it wrong? Metafilter discusses.
A Pope-y political broadcast
Dennis Brown pushes the envelope on the tradition of not campaigning before papal elections.
Who owns Osama bin Laden?
Martin Peretz writes about the war on terror in the current
Posted on Categories Current Affairs
If you want an illustration of the way things are today (TM), you can’t do better than to walk into Waterstones Piccadilly. I went in there at lunchtime looking for a book about Papal elections (this one), and I couldn’t find a copy on the shelves. This was not because they had sold out through demand. What was on the shelves, by the hundreds and on a special half-price offer? The bloody Da Vinci Code, of course. Great vox pop on Newsnight earlier today, from some random punter in Leicester: I’m not a racist, but I just think there are too many coloureds. Coming soon to a voter near you – “I’m not a Liverpool supporter, but I’ve dyed my hair red, named my child Milan Baros, and I want You’ll never walk alone played at my funeral.”Fiction vs. reality, and fiction wins
Cab driver logic