501st post

Just a marker that the preceding post was the 500th post to this weblog, under its various names. I leave it to you to judge whether that’s something to be proud of or not.

OpenDemocracy – the All Bran of political debate

All Bran is very good for you, but sometimes – just sometimes – you want Frosties. This advert (!) from openDemocracy today:

openDemocracy writers bring life to philosophy:

  • “Iraq, philosophy in war” – articles on Immanuel Kant, Dostoevsky, and Leo Strauss
  • “Robert Nozick, anarcho-capitalist” (May 2002)
  • Ramin Jahanbegloo & Richard Rorty, “America’s dreaming” (August 2004)
  • Candida Clark, “Jacques Derrida, a Cambridge epiphany” (October 2004)