According to the Register the town of my birth has run out of broadband connectivity. Whether this is due to rampant net use among the denizens of Hertfordshire’s premier alliterative new town, or just BT being a bit crap, we don’t yet know.
Category: Web/Tech
Slip-sliding away
Reporting that Windows Vista (the new version) has slipped again, Andrew Orlowski at the Register comes up with this gem of an image:
Bill Gates liked to compare Longhorn to the Apollo space program, but it’s become less of a Moonshot and more of a Moonwalk as successive targets have tip-toed backwards
Metafilter: less sexy than a Bill Gates lapdance
Metafilter discusses the iPod mini’s replacement, the iPod nano, as well as the new Motorola phone with iTunes built in.
Google vs MS
Scott Rosenberg muses on why, if Google is set to challenge Microsoft, all its non-web products are Windows-only.
Daring Fireball: Colophon
John Gruber tells it like it is about standards compliance:
If Daring Fireball looks like shit in your browser, you’re using a shitty browser that doesn’t support web standards. Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 5, I’m looking in your direction. If you complain about this, I will laugh at you, because I do not care. If, however, you are using a modern, standards-compliant browser and have trouble viewing or reading Daring Fireball, please do let me know.
Well, duh.
Inside Mac Games has published a selection of the dimmer correspondence they’ve had recently. My favourite:
I like to know if play game Medal of Honor possible on iPod? (sic)
Er… no.