British and European attitudes

From the BBC.


EU countries have come under pressure to control fuel costs amid a clamour for action from hauliers, farmers and motoring groups.

The French government announced a package of measures on Tuesday designed to ease the situation for farmers.
They will be offered tax breaks and refunds on fuel worth about 30m euros ($36.6m; €20.2m).

“The rise in fuel prices penalises farms, which cannot always pass the cost on,” Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told a meeting of farmers in Rennes.
“We must help them.”
Similar financial assistance was announced for hauliers on Monday.
Farmers unions have said that they would study any government proposals before deciding whether to step up direct action.


The British government has ruled out any direct action over fuel costs.

Chancellor Gordon Brown ruled out cuts to fuel duties, instead urging Opec members to boost production and invest in new refineries.

I’m with the British on this one.