Show some respect

Repulsive self-publicist George Galloway, the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, has shown exactly what he thinks both of his duties as a Parliamentarian and of his constituents by becoming a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother.

Celebrity Big Brother lasts for 23 days, during which time the citizens of my former constituency will be without a representative in Parliament, whose sittings resume on 9 January. It’s more important for Galloway, it seems, to hobnob with Dennis Rodman, and grub around for text message votes, than to serve either his constituents or his country. I bet they’re sorry they voted for him now. If they’re lucky, they’ll get Oona King back next time.

And Galloway grumbles that politics has a bad reputation – with oily egoists like him in it, it’s not hard to see why!

Death to Kingswest!

Excellent news in today’s Argus – the City council are planning to redevelop Brighton’s main shopping area, extending the Churchill Square shopping area to give shoppers more of a sense of being near the sea and – joy of joys! – knocking down the Kingswest and Brighton Centres to replace them with something worthy of a prime seafront location in one of England’s up and coming cities.

Football crazy

Norman Baker, Lib Dem MP for Lewes, has just made Lewes DC’s ridiculous campaign against Falmer Stadium even more ridiculous. Apparently, because John Prescott has gone to see his team (Hull) play at Withdean, and has been given lunch by the directors, he should now recuse himself from every planning decision taken in relation to Falmer.

Apparently three warm prawn sandwiches and a glass of cheap red are going to influence the Deputy Prime Minister in deciding on Falmer’s fate. I used to have a lot of respect for Norman Baker, but I have to say, if that’s all it would take to bribe him, perhaps we’re lucky he’s a Liberal.