Killing Socrates

In an interesting discussion on the pros and cons of democracy at MetaFilter, someone commented: “A democracy killed Socrates”. I’ve heard this line of argument before (in fact, there are whole books on the subject – I.F. Stone’s The Death of Socrates, if it’s still in print), but I thought I’d post some thoughts about it here.

My position is that, in the context of the times, the Athenian democracy was at least arguably right to execute Socrates. The argument rests on three points:

1. The only account we have of his trial is a hagiographic account by his pupil, Plato;
2. Socrates was not a blameless genius; and
3. Even on Plato’s account, Socrates antagonised the jury at his trial.

The first point to make is that the only record of Socrates’s trial is that of Plato. We don’t know whether his account of the trial is accurate, and we don’t, of course, have the arguments of the accusers. Any reading based on the existing sources must be partial.

It’s also important to understand the context in which the trial happened (the second point). A few years before the trial, the Athenians had lost the long war with Sparta, and the democracy had been overthrown, to be replaced by the rule of the Thirty Tyrants, led by Kritias. The Tyrants put to death many supporters of the democracy, and were eventually overthrown in a brief but bloody civil war, whereupon the democracy was restored.

Kritias had been a pupil of Socrates, whose hostility to democracy was well-known. The charges that Socrates faced clearly referred to his relationship with Kritias (he was charged with ‘introducing new gods, and corrupting the youth’. Aischines, speaking a couple of decades later, addresses a jury saying something like (I don’t have the reference to hand), “Do you not remember how your fathers put to death the sophist Socrates, because he had been the teacher of Kritias and the Tyrants?”.

Imagine that the US Government was overthrown by a bloody neo-con dictatorship, and then – when the democracy had been restored at the cost of tens of thousands of lives – someone wanted to put William Kristol on trial.

Finally, even on Plato’s soft-focus account, Socrates antagonised his jury. He was found guilty by a small majority, whereupon the prosecution and the defence had to propose penalties. The prosecution proposed the death penalty, and Socrates proposed a tiny, insignificant fine – and even that under pressure from his friends. With those offers on the table, it is hardly surprising that a jury chose death – by a larger majority than they had condemned him.

Referendum, departmental results

Le Monde has an interesting map of the referendum results département-by-département. I don’t know enough about French political geography to understand all the permutations, but there’s no surprise in seeing leftish areas like Nord-Pas de Calais voting strongly non.

More surprising, for a British observer, is that Brittany voted yes, given the ferocious anti-EU sentiment found in the west of England. Strongest Yes from central Paris, unsurprisingly.

Link (and discussion) at MetaFilter.

What kind of Europe?

Crooked Timber has an interesting discussion, kicked off by Henry Farrell, on the meaning of the EU referendum vote. All the points he makes are well made, but I think he misses one important shift in the way that the EU is used.

One of the principal reasons that the EU has been an elite project, at least until now, is that Governments have used it as an external force majeure – we have to {privatise our electricity, open our borders, cut working hours} because Europe says so. This is a very useful tool for Governments who want to do right-but-unpopular things.

The constitution debate, for all its fudges and follies, has shown one thing – that Europe is becoming more of a direct concern for the people of its member states. The issues that are debated – working time, euro economics, etc – are seeping down the political ladder and becoming the popular debate of people in the street.

Euro-idealists like me may not like the outcome, and in some countries (UK) the European link may not be preservable, but progress towards making the EU a common possession rather than an external force must surely be worthwhile.

Referendum exit polls

A detailed breakdown (en français) here. Interestingly, 72% of voters (and more than half of No voters) want the process of European construction to continue. More than half of No voters said they voted no because of “Dissatisfaction with the current economical and social situation in France”. The most popular reason for voting yes was “This constitution gives more weight to Europe vis-a-vis the USA and China”. Link via MeFi.


David, at A Fistful of Euros, comments on referendums:

“I’m quite fond of representative democracy, and don’t think replicating the Swiss or Californian system would be a particularly good idea. I do however think that referendums are an occasionally vital and necessary part of democracy[…].”

While I agree with David that one of the problems with referendums is the desire of the people to give the Government a bloody nose, I don’t agree that referendums should therefore be infrequent. Quite the reverse – the key benefit of the Swiss, and to a lesser extent the Californian, systems is that they have referendums so frequently that no vote can be considered to be giving the Government a bloody nose, or retaliating for decisions taken 5 years ago.

Take Britain. If a referendum were held on the EU constitution were held tomorrow, it would probably be lost. Would that be because the British didn’t like Maastricht, or Amsterdam, or Nice? Or being members of the EU at all? Or Tony Blair? Or the Iraq War? Who could tell?

Now, in a country where at least most of the EU treaties had been put to a vote – say, Ireland – if the EU constitution were rejected, we would know it was the constitutional treaty that was being rejected, not some treaty from ten years back.

Dorset names

I’ve just posted this map of Dorset to a very puerile thread on MetaFilter.

Looking at it, it reminded me just how odd Dorset placenames are. I mean, aside from Piddletrenthide and Affpuddle, a good 50% of the names sound like romantic novel heroes (“Winterbourne Clenston held her in his strong arms…”. “‘Lord Glanvilles Wooton”, announced the butler’). And what’s with the two places about a mile apart, one called Melcombe Bingham and the other Bingham’s Melcombe? Do people there ever get the right letters?