Category: Interesting links
Live pope-making on Metafilter
MeFi’s almost-live record of the papal election.
MyDD handles the British elections
A good discussion of the British elections from a US perspective can be found on MyDD.
Strange Reaction
Very obscure punk music? Walk this way.
Find an alternative to Starbucks with…
One more for the road
A yen for the A307? Get your kicks on the B776? Find out all about it at the Roader’s Digest – a comprehensive catalogue of British roads.
What your font says about you
The BBC’s arts-and-talk channel, Radio 4, had an interesting programme
on today called “From Arial to Wide Latin” – a half-hour documentary
about typefaces and how people use them. The programme’s web site is
and contains a link to a RealAudio version of the programme.
Rand at 100
Excellent discussion in this MetaFilter thread on the life and philosophy of Ayn Rand.
Tube photos
Some great photos of tube stations. More interesting than it sounds. (via MeFi)
A face that would…
The Stopped Clocks Foundation is dedicated to the worthy cause of getting all the stopped church clocks, town hall clocks and other public timepieces going again. Send them your stopped clock pictures. (via BoingBoing)