Arrival in Tallinn

Into Tallinn by coach, and there was some fantastic domestic architecture on the way in. A couple of great modern houses, one with a glass front wall with bookshelves, so the view from the street was the stairs up and the pages of the books. I’ll have one like that please (I may try and get back there for a photo while I’m here). For anyone else visiting Tallinn, the area I’m talking about is on Vabaduse pst., out of town from number 113 or so.

The centre of Tallinn, at least the part I’ve seen so far, is a bit less impressive. More ringroadery than I saw in Riga, but that’s just the very first impression.

Arrived in the hotel – the very Soviet-looking Reval Park – to find that there had been a problem at the tour operator’s end and they’d upgraded me to a big corner room in the very swish and capitalist Radisson SAS overlooking the old town. If you are ever staying there, I heartily recommend room 922.