Ali Campbell’s World Cup Adventure

Alastair Campbell has a blog on the Labour party’s website, relating his experiences following the World Cup. OK first entry, but what really makes it worthy of note is the bile and vitriol spewed across the comments. I’m sure it’s just an online thing – and there’s one in the eye for the ‘internet will revive political debate’ meme – but sitting behind a keyboard seems to be like sitting behind a steering wheel for Brits: something that makes you lose all manners, common decency and sense of proportion.

I’d say “who’d be an MP”, but in Campbell’s case it’s “who’d be a former head of communications”? I know I wouldn’t.

Update: The BBC have picked up the story and are treating the comments as serious political analysis! For crying out loud! What is this country coming to where some faceless shit-flinger (one Dave Smith, allegedly) can be quoted on the BBC saying that the Government is “the most corrupt the country has ever seen”, for all the world as if he were a serious person, or the allegation were rational.

BNP councillor blog

I notice from Cllr Bob Piper’s blog that one of his fellow councillors on Sandwell MBC has joined the blogosphere. Unremarkable in most cases, but this blog is by one of the four BNP councillors, one Cllr Simon Smith.

In a “know thine enemy” sort of way, his one entry so far is interesting. The most notable feature is Cllr Smith’s combination of paranoia and defensiveness – the latter not generally part of the BNP house style. For instance, here’s a section of his post entitled “The Big Picture”:

I don’t profess that either the BNP or myself are always right. I’m sure there are good people in other smaller parties. I reserve the right to respect good people in those parties – what ever they might think of me is irrelevant. I hope that the British National Party becomes more than a party, more than even a cultural movement.

But he can’t stop himself running off the edge of the cliff in the next sentence:

I hope it is in the Vanguard of a New Renaissance that can destroy the wicked, some would say satanic, Globalist-Materialist world order that keeps many new discoveries, inventions and knowledge undercover, ON PURPOSE in order to maintain control.

Perhaps the strongest sense you get from reading the blog is the extent to which Cllr Smith could be on the wilder fringe of a number of more ‘respectable’ parties – UKIP, RESPECT and the WRP, for example. Those parties at the macro level stand for different sorts of things, of course, but they all stand in opposition to the mainstream – I would say rational – parties, while feeling and promoting fear of foreign, external forces.

Adrift on a wide ocean, they are clinging to different bits of flotsam – the BNP to nativism, UKIP to a sort of Gaullist touchiness, and RESPECT to … well, George Galloway, mostly. Despite being a strong supporter of rationalism, I have some sympathy for the members of those parties personally – though they are wrong in their ideas, and wrong in their perception of the world, they presumably believe themselves to be right, and that must make the world a pretty scary place to be.

Update: The comments on the post are worth reading.

The old Blackfriars

The old Blackfriars

A surprising sight walking down to Southwark tube the other day. A
quick shot on my phone in the rain doesn’t really do it justice, but
underneath the railway viaduct is the huge (original?) sign for
Blackfriars station – a small station on the London Bridge – Charing
Cross line that was open at this site for a few years in the 19th
century. The question is – who took the trouble to restore the old
station entrance and sign, and why?