A comic book retelling of the Hindu sacred text.
Author: Anthony
Books on Ukraine
If anyone is interested in reading more about Ukraine, in the light of what is going on there, my picks are Borderland, by Anna Reid, for fact; and Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov, for fiction.
There’s a world outside your Windows
My friend and fellow WELLpern Mike Knell has started a new campaign called GeekAid, aiming to get geeks all around the world to donate a day’s pay to grassroots IT and technology projects in the Third World. It’s a worthy cause – take a look.
The Euro and good service at coffee shops
One benefit of the Euro, if it ever comes to the UK, is that we’ll no longer have to watch our coffee get cold as French, Italian and Spanish trainee baristas struggle to remember which of these funny English coins is which.
Mixed messages
The Washington Post’s user registration page has a jaunty banner saying “Register now – it’s free and it’s required”.
Oh yes. The Washington Post – as refreshing as it’s compulsory.
Then and now
Not the hardest word
Trains still green, planes still not
The Association of Train Operating Companies has published a short pamphlet, restating the environmental benefits of rail over road transport and short-haul flying.
Manifesto for the reputation society on firstmonday.dk. Random question: Are reputation systems democratic?
Historical interest
For historical interest, the Political Bohemian Rhapsody